
Communities of color have been left out of the conversation for too long and have missed opportunities to build wealth–for themselves and their communities.


FEBG’s work ensures entrepreneurs of color are getting the resources they need to grow their businesses and increase their wealth. Part of that includes investing in the ecosystem that supports these entrepreneurs so that future generations of entrepreneurs don’t face the same barriers.

Supporting entrepreneurs of color creates economic development and local employment opportunities, healthier and safer neighborhoods, and a more inclusive and equitable economic region.

We are working toward a more inclusive and equitable environment for future generations of entrepreneurs.



businesses served


underrepresented business owners served


jobs created or retained


businesses obtained required certifications


secured by businesses


awarded to BSOs that support business owners

We continually track our progress to ensure that entrepreneurs of color benefit from the funding we provide.

Measuring Outcomes

We track the progress of our grant recipients with measures of success related most closely to our objectives and work. These include overall financial health, increased organizational capacity, and ability to scale or replicate services.

FEBG continually re-evaluates these measures of progress as the ecosystem changes, BSO programs and initiatives mature, and entrepreneurs’ businesses grow and change.